Webinars and Trainings

There are no webinars scheduled at this time.
If you are unable to join a live webinar, you can watch a replay from the list below:

Introduction to Advocacy Playbook
Learn about the Alliance to End Hunger’s signature advocacy tool and resource–the Advocacy Playbook. The webinar features a live demonstration of this online tool.

Making the Case for Advocacy
Are you ready to jump into advocacy against hunger but need to convince some other folks to come along? Maybe your colleagues, board members or civic group are leery about taking a stand?  We will help you make the case for why it’s a good idea and how you can help the cause, meet your mission and maybe even help your bottom line! This session will focus on overcoming barriers to engaging in advocacy and how to do it safely within the parameters of your organization’s nonprofit status.


Advocacy Playbook in Action: Direct Communications with Legislators
Get tongue-tied when faced with an Elected Official? This webinar will help you craft your message and improve your skills of persuasion. Learn helpful tips and resources for speaking up about hunger in your community.


Advocacy Playbook in Action: Raising Awareness through Media
Want to raise awareness of hunger in your community but don’t have the resources to hire a communications firm? This webinar will help you learn how to get free media placements for your issues and events. Get expert tips for using social media and engaging your local media in the fight against hunger.

Advocacy Playbook in Action: Engaging Your Community
Often, getting community buy-in is the first step in developing an advocacy approach to ending hunger. This webinar will highlight activities that can help community members understand that hunger exists nearby and what they can do about it.

Advocacy Playbook: Youth Chapter Launch Our first youth-focused webinar will walk participants through the newly-released youth chapter (sponsored by the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation) in the Alliance to End Hunger’s Advocacy Playbook. Participants will gain an understanding of the ways a young person can lead and participate in anti-hunger advocacy activities and learn easy methods for doing so. This webinar will be co-led by the Alliance to End Hunger’s Youth Advisors, Louisa Schieffelin and Erin Leonard.

Hunger Is A Racial Equity IssueThis webinar includes a presentation by Cat Goughnour, Prosperity Now, illuminating the racial hunger gap and a panel discussion with Marlysa D. Gamblin, Bread for the World, Minerva Delgado, Alliance to End Hunger and Margot Nitschke, Emerson Hunger Fellow/Alliance to End Hunger.

Hunger & Race: Incorporating an Equity Lens into your Organization Assessing racial equity within your organization is often the first step in including equity in your anti-hunger advocacy work. This webinar aims to provide some background information around the connections between hunger and race, resources to assess racial equity within your organization and a testimonial from an Alliance to End Hunger member organization that has had success with including an equity lens in their work. Presenters included Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, Senior Fellow, Racial Wealth Divide at CFED; and Shannon Maynard, Executive Director at the Congressional Hunger Center.

Operationalizing Racial Equity in Anti-Hunger Work
As anti-hunger and anti-racism advocates, how do we put racial equity into action? This webinar engages in a frank discussion about how organizations are incorporating racial equity- both internally and externally. Panelists Cecilia Bergman from Project Bread, Jackie DeCarlo from Manna Food Center and Nancy Neal from Bread for the World  discuss their racial equity journeys to date and opportunities to further their work.

Turning Your Volunteers into Anti-Hunger ChampionsVolunteers are a great untapped resource for raising awareness and speaking up about hunger. Hear from organizations that are engaging their volunteers in new and different ways.