Drawing on the legacy of Hunger-Free Minnesota, Hunger Impact Partners was formed in 2015 as a non-profit with a laser-sharp focus on ending child food insecurity in Minnesota. We are a backbone organization that concentrates on high-impact, data-based child nutrition strategies for school breakfast, after-school meals, infant and toddler nutrition programs, and summer feeding. Our… Continue reading Hunger Impact Partners
Community Food Rescue
Manna Food Center administers the Community Food Rescue network as a key strategy in ending hunger. Most of our members were instrumental in creating a 5 year Food Security Plan in cooperation with local government and in concert with our local Food Council. The network’s motto is to “feed more waste less” and we rely… Continue reading Community Food Rescue
Beyond Hunger
Beyond Hunger (formerly Oak Park River Forest Pantry) is working to create a hunger-free community in our core communities.
Hunger Free Northbrook
Hunger Free Northbrook is a community-based coalition of about 30 members who represent local businesses, religious groups, civic organizations, schools and healthcare. The coalition will initially focus on improving the food security of our seniors and our children. Four near-term solutions are being pursued: 1) Bring Seniors to Food – provide seniors nutritional guidance and… Continue reading Hunger Free Northbrook