The mission of Preble Street is to provide accessible barrier-free services to empower people experiencing problems with homelessness, housing, hunger, and poverty, and to advocate for solutions to these problems.
NH Hunger Solutions
NH Hunger Solutions, spearheaded by the Children’s Alliance of New Hampshire, is a statewide initiative working to improve children’s nutrition and end childhood hunger in New Hampshire. A diverse coalition of business and community leaders is developing a roadmap consisting of short and long term strategies to share with government and human services agencies, policymakers,… Continue reading NH Hunger Solutions
Livingston Food Resource Center
Our mission is to help eliminate hunger in Livingston and Park County through the acquisition and distribution of healthful food to individuals and families in need; to play a leadership role in the development of a strong, sustainable, local food system; to address the root causes of hunger in Livingston and Park County; and, to… Continue reading Livingston Food Resource Center
Tampa Bay Network to End Hunger
The mission of the Tampa By Nework to End Hunger is to end hunger by bringing people together to find solutions that eliminate barriers, increase access, and expand the amount of nutritious food available. Our vision is to build a hunger-free communitiy, in which there is access to nutritious food for all. Core valutes include:… Continue reading Tampa Bay Network to End Hunger